
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28,20

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with Jesus

members | Marie Hamříková


Marie Hamříková

Warning against the herbdoctors

Marie Hamříková

There´s a horoscope in every paper, fortune-teller trade, yoga, clairvoyance, spiritism and homeopathy are prospering…. Silva´s method, reiki…and perhaps there isn´t anybody here who wouldn´t know these things.Do you want to be successful, to know the future? You´ve got opportunity.Do you want to be well...? You´ve got opportunity.Why go to see a doctor when my friend´s friend is a herbdoctor.Sometimes you even don´t have to pay.When you are at doctor´s you pay and sometimes you even don´t know ... read the whole testimony »

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